
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No 101004274

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Webinar: Main achievements of the EleGaNT project

The EleGaNT end-of-project webinar has been hold on December 3, 2024 at 14pm.

Watch the replay by clicking here !


About EleGaNT

Discrete GaN power electronic devices have penetrated the consumer market and first products have amply demonstrated a disruptive improvement of the performance and reduction of the form factor. With demonstrated robustness for heavy ion radiation and neutron radiation, p-GaN enhancement mode HEMTs allow disruptive innovative designs for space applications. However, to unlock the full potential of the technology for point of load convertors, three important limitations need to be solved, as addressed in this project, i.e.

  1. the reduction of the inductive parasitics through monolithic integration of drivers and power devices (GaN-IC).
  2. optimization of the inductive passive components together with the active devices
  3. a strong interaction between point of load convertor design and GaN-IC design. Electrical performance and radiation robustness will be evaluated and assessed for space applications in the upcoming frame of satellites massive digitalization.
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0 months

Duration Project


European Partners

0 M+

EU Contribution


Learning Cycles



The consortium is composed of 5 partners. These partners include actors in subsystem development, research, integration, innovation and technology transfer.

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